The landscape of cloud technology changes swiftly, highlighting the need for regular course updates to stay current. This has led me to introduce the latest edition of my course, focused on deploying OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes using Terraform (2024 Edition). The current edition, like its predecessors, is structured into …
Don’t get me wrong. It is not true that I don’t like Jenkins. In fact, I really like it, and I have promoted it many times for its flexibility and extensive customization options. However, the truth is, if you are in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and leveraging OKE as your …
A few months back, I added a lesson to my OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes self-study course covering deployment with the K8S service based on OCI LoadBalancer. I have received very positive feedback, but people have asked me about the scenario where in production they would like to use OCI …
As I have mentioned some time ago I strongly believe Kubernetes adoption should grow over time in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Container technology gives us a lot of elasticity and scalability. Application, especially based on microservices, could be easily deployed and can grow at scale. Moving out from the monolith approach …
Recently one of the students on my course covering OCI Container Engine has asked me about customized docker images. It was amazing how stupid I was, just because I have forgotten to add the lesson covering the usage of Container Registry (OCIR). Now, this lesson is added and you can …
In the previous post, I mentioned my plans to develop an independent course covering OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes. The idea has been converted into reality. Here you can find the self-study training where I believe everyone can catch the most important details in regards to OKE. Below I am …
I will be honest with you… I know it was not good, but I was not able to write blogs here mostly because of a lack of time. Last half of the year I was deeply engaged in OCI Architecture Center development. We have added dozes of Reference Architectures as …
I am not sure if you have noticed that, but in March 2021 Kubernetes clusters have been significantly redefined within OCI. I mean now Container Engine for Kubernetes is VCN-native by default. You can read about it here. VCN-native K8S clusters are completely integrated with your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). …